6:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
First round of drinks will be on the Bride and Groom, 2nd round or more a cash bar will be open to you. Your meal will come automatically with soda, water, coffee, or tea.
The restaurant has a strict policy against anyone bringing in their own drinks or food. Please do not do this or they will ask you to leave.
There will be a gift table, but gifts are not expected or required.
Cocktail attire, slacks or nice jeans and boots, rompers, jumpsuits, dresses... dress like it's a nice date.
Seats will be assigned when you arrive, but feel free to move around or swap chairs. This is a nice but causal dinner. If you do change seats the restaurant requires your name card to stay with you so they know what meal to serve.
It's a restaurant/bar and both will be open to the public so stay as long as you like after the event, but we have the event room reserved until 9pm.
You can bring another guest.