Please click on the "View" button to be directed to the Hilton Hotel website. From here, please edit your stay with the correct arrival/departure dates and # of people in the room and then hit the "update" button. Then click on the "Special Rates" button and under "Corporate Account", enter the code 110175. The code provides a 15% discount off the room rate for your stay. There is no special "Lowes-Wimberly Room Block" at this hotel...just the use of the code. We have the ability to receive the discount as long as any rooms are available at the hotel for the wedding weekend.
Discount Code - 110175
For this hotel, all you need to do is click on the link, choose your arrival/departure dates and then it will take you straight into the Lowes-Wimberly Room block. The last date to make reservations inside the block is Friday, September 6th, 2024.