Travel Note
1018 Liberty Trail, Michigan City, IN is the address of the house across the street from the entrance, but the venue also has a welcome sign on Liberty Trail where you should turn in. Please see the photo on this page. The parking lot is grass, and golf carts will be shuttling guests with limited mobility (or very high heels!) across the park to the ceremony area. The reception space is closer to the lot.
**ROOM BLOCK IS FULL. Blue Chip is not allowing us to add more rooms. You can still try the code, but it likely won’t work. We apologize.** If booking online, please enter code WWP0924. If booking by phone, please mention the Westlund/Ponton Wedding Room Block.
Discount Code - WWP0924
Guests must book by 09/10/21 in order to receive the group rate. If booking online, the hotel code is MGCHXHX, and the group code is 600. If booking by phone, please mention the Westlund/Ponton Wedding.
Discount Code - 600