December 17, 2017
The Marriott, ARUBA

Wendy & Craig

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Brandy Saltzman Carbone

Maid of Honor

When I was a kid, I wanted to be just like Brandy. She played the violin, so I played the violin. She was in debate, I joined debate. She went to the University of Chicago so at 16 I followed her there. Brandy is THE BEST sister I could have asked for. Not only has she shown me unconditional support, she was always the first one to be there when things got rough. Brandy left her family on numerous occasions to care for me when I had breast cancer. She jokingly got her “medical degree” from Web MD, & knew more than I did about my care. Whether it's taking care of me, my dog, or her family, Brandy is always on top of EVERYTHING. She puts herself second to everyone else & is the best sister, daughter, wife & mother. I’m blessed to call Brandy not just my sister, she is truly my best friend.

Al Torcini

Officiant and Best Man

Al and I met 6 years ago in our happy place, Margate. I knew he was a generous, happy, hyper and fun guy. As our friendship grew, I learned more about Al. He has helped me and taught me so much. He helped lubricate my heart! Wendy and I say, he loves love. When we got engaged, we knew he had to be our wedding officiant. Al & his wife Danielle took me into their Italian family. My name was officially changed to Johnstontini. Their generosity continued with Wendy. We are invited to family dinners, happy hours and outings. Al & Danielle have helped us celebrate every milestone in our relationship. I hope that I continue to learn from the Torcini’s, so Wendy & I can have that much fun and be as happy as they are in 20+ years! At the wedding ask Al about his first impression of me.

Jaci Brown


Jaci is absolutely beautiful inside and out, and is one of the most generous people I know with her heart and her friendship. We met when I moved to Philadelphia and became fast friends. Not that Jaci needed to add anyone to her “crew.” She has a contagious personality that everyone wants to be around, which is witnessed by so many who consider her a close pal. Jaci welcomed me into her family, as a newbie to Philly. As two single girls, we had a lot of laughs going out in the city and at the shore. And when I got engaged, Jaci was one of the first people I called. Jaci is the kind of person who always checks on everyone else, and asks for nothing in return.

Dan Dizio

Best Man

Eight years ago I introduced myself to Dan at Tomatoes. We were hanging out, laughing and dancing. Dan was not a dancer, yet. I thought he was so fun, modest and generous. Over the past 8 years my first impression hasn’t changed. We have had many good times together. The Halloween party, Dan was Elvis; no one knew I was Vanilla Ice. The party when I guessed he was on Undercover Boss. The happy hours, outings in Philadelphia, boat rides and road trips to Avalon and Sea Isle. Since I introduced Dan to Wendy our fun has only increased. Dan, Danielle, Wendy and I make a great team. One of my favorite trips was to Jamaica; I was Dan's "vice president of marketing." Two things are different since our friendship started, Dan's smile and his moves on the dance floor - thanks Danielle!

Diana Saltzman

Mother of the Bride

My mother grew up as one of 17 kids in a large Christian household in Brownsville, Texas. My grandparents were Baptist missionaries. I get my strong faith from my Mom. When I was growing up, my mother worked & then spent her days carpooling my sister & me from dance classes, sports practices, & social events. I’m sure it wasn’t an easy life, but I grew up just thinking that’s what Moms did. My mother is probably my biggest fan & has supported me in my many moves & career. She has taken care of me while I was sick, & has always been there offering her unconditional love. My Mom always said God fated her & my father’s marriage & she has taught me a lot about the importance of respect & commitment. I get my dashing looks & great skin from her too (but my dad will say I look like him!).

Michael "Biggsie" Richards

Best Man

Biggsie and I met on the soccer fields in grade school. Biggsie was the star, I was the guy playing left wing. We didn’t become friends until our sophomore year at Archbishop Wood. Our friendship has lasted & grown for over 30 years. I remember swimming in his parent’s pool, parties, shore houses & ski trips. When Wendy and Biggsie met they hit it off. Every time we see him, he brings Wendy and I a special present. Ask my mom about his generosity, 25 years later she is still talking about the Heavenly Ham. Thanks to their friendship, Wendy and I have seen more of Biggsie over the past two years. He now has two of us bugging him to go out, stay down, come to Philly and dance with that girl, we never stop! Wendy and I look forward to 30 more years of him being one of our best friends.

Alan W Saltzman

Father of the Bride

My Dad could be pretty intimidating when I was a kid, but he's become a big teddy bear in his older years. I learned my work ethic from my dad, and he’s always my first call when I have a complex computer project. My Dad has been the "man" in my life for the last 40 years, stepping in every time I needed a hand. He had to pick up and help me move from state to state every 2 to 3 years chasing my career. Never once did he complain about building closets in every house I moved to, or driving a U-Haul across the country. Even though I’m getting married, I will still be my dad’s little girl. He jokes it would take someone “very special” to marry me. I know he’s just as happy as I am that I finally found Craig. My parents have been married for 50 years now & they are still very much in love!

Joanne Johnston

Mother of the Groom

When I was little, I told my Mom I was hanging on a cloud in heaven & I picked her and my Dad. The first thing that comes to mind, you can’t find someone that doesn’t have nice things to say about my Mom. As Biggsie said, she is a celebrity & people wait to talk to her. I got my smiling, fondness of socializing & confidence from my Mom. As a child I remember home cooked meals, ice cream, hugs, emergency room visits, her patience, shopping & rides, not far rides. My Mom thinks (I mean knows) that I am perfect. She has always shown unconditional love. That was evident in college when I was on academic probation. While she was hugging me & saying it’s an adjustment period, you will turn things around. Share stories but don’t ruin my image with my Mom.

Danielle Ryan Carbone

Flower Girl

Danielle, or “Dani” for short, is my adorable niece who declared that she was going to be the flower girl about 5 seconds after she learned we got engaged. Craig and I face timed her, and she was over the moon excited for us. She’s 8, going on 18 and loves love songs, and boys, and my dog BooBoo. She’s already had her first “crush,” and dramatic breakup that involved throwing a stuffed animal across the classroom. My sister Brandy and Steve are going to have their hands full when Dani starts dating! And this little girl can talk. So if you see her, make sure to say hello.

Tony Johnston

Father of the Groom

When I think about my Dad, I believe being a Dad was the most important job of his life. There are so many things that he did for me as a child & they continued into adulthood. Some of my fondest memories; putting my weight bench together on Christmas night, taking me to practice my 2nd amendment rights, surprising me with a car, helping me move & complete home repairs. My Dad has always done & given to our family. Over the years my Mom & I have tried, with some success, to convince him to treat himself. We know he deserves it. For those of you that don’t know my parents, I got my drive & discipline from my Dad & the Marine Corp. I also got my sarcasm / sense of humor & confidence from him. During the festivities please take the time to listen to or share a story with my parents.

Nicholas Carbone


I remember the first time I held my nephew Nick when he was a baby. I thought “wow, this is what unconditional love feels like.” I'm blessed not only to be the aunt to this very smart, handsome, and mature young man, I am also his Godmother. I had the chance to take Nick on his first Boy Scout camping trip (that’s what good aunts apparently do!). It was freezing and we got caught in a monsoon. Other kids left in the middle of the night. But not Nick. We stuck it out, and Nick managed to sleep through the storm while I was panicking our tent was going to blow away! Nick is brilliant and can probably answer any questions you have about math or science and he plays a lot of sports, just like his dad. Nick will be walking my mother down the aisle.

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