Just when I thought "my person" couldn't possibly exist... It was my b-day weekend, September 14, 2018. My friend Woody and I were on the Brookhaven patio after watching the Memphis/Navy football game. We often bantered about our singledom...and our age, 🙄. And all too often, "plenty of fish in the sea" seemed to be a farfetched myth of murk and minnows. Little did I know... There he was. A tall, sporty, handsome man across the patio 🤩 . I pointed out this unicorn to my friend Emily. Overhearing my googly-eyed babble, Woody jumped in, "Hey, I know that guy!" So of course, I made Woody spill the beans - we even Facebook stalked him. Not long after, "said unicorn" walked by our table. And right out of left field, Woody shouted, "Hey Nick, I want you to meet my friend Katie. She thinks you're hot!" Horrified, I gave a wry smile at Nick and said, "OMG I'm so sorry! I had no idea he was going to do that!" Yet, in my head I was screaming, "Praise you Woody!🙌🏼 " And aside from wanting to crawl under the table, we introduced ourselves. Nick looked shocked and didn't say much, (as I'd later learn is one of his many talents, LOL) but politely said he'd stop by my table later. Well...HE... DIDN'T! "When you meet the one you'll just know." As crazy as it sounds, after our awkward introduction I knew Nick was going to be different. It was an odd, unexplainable, deep feeling. After that night I would randomly see him at Brookhaven and Memphis games, we did the whole "friending" on social media, but nothing else ever came of it and then 2018 was done. Until... To my pleasant surprise on Instagram, @nick_campbell_23 began 👍🏼 an absurd amount of my pics - both past and present. In social media terms - a passive aggressive flirt. So I made the aggressive move back to DM him and break the ice. From there, we made plans for our first date. On January 30, 2019 we met yet again at Brookhaven to watch a Memphis basketball game. The rest is history...❤️