3:00 pm
First shuttle pickup from the Graduate to the venue: Shuttle departs at 3:00 PM Second shuttle pickup from the Graduate to the venue: Shuttle departs at 4:15 PM
3:15 pm
First shuttle pickup from The La Quinta Inn to the venue: Shuttle departs at 3:15 PM Second shuttle pickup from the The La Quinta Innto the venue: Shuttle departs at 4:30 PM
5:30 pm
Our wedding ceremony will begin at 5:30 PM. Seating will begin at 4:30 PM. Reception to follow immediately.
9:30 pm
First shuttle pickup from the venue to La Quinta Inn and The Graduate: Shuttle departs at 9:30 PM Second shuttle pickup from the venue to La Quinta Inn and The Graduate: Shuttle departs at 10:30 PM