
Jennifer & Matthew



Matthew Eichner


Jennifer Walz

October 4, 2024

New Smyrna Beach, FL
26 days26 d12 hours12 h31 minutes31 min7 seconds7 s

How We Met

From her perspective: I came to the Basin in Sanford for Maddy's surprise party. All I could think about walking up was just getting her there and hoping she had no idea...until I saw you. There's not many moments in life where you are in a crowd and everyone around you melts away and you just see one person. I can honestly say, that never happened to me before..until I saw you. There was a moment when we first locked eyes when all I could see was you, your red hair, height and most of all, your smile. I had never seen anyone as handsome as you. I thought there was no way you were single. You flashed that nervous smile at me and I knew I wanted to talk to you. I was so nervous, but once I finally got the courage (after everyone at the party told me over and over to go talk to you) to come take a shot with you, you told me how you couldn't stop staring at me because I was so stunning. I was hooked. You met us when you got off from work that night and we danced the night away. You made me feel like I was the most important person on this planet and made my heart swell. Little did I know, I had just met my everything. Since that moment, I have never stepped down from cloud nine. From his perspective: "The night I almost called out" Working two jobs was rough back then, I was ready to call out that night because I blew my knee out, but I went in. I was miserable until I saw her... Her eyes were the first thing that caught my attention and took my breath away. We locked eyes several times and all the pain went away. I did everything I could to walk circles around her just so she would notice me. My god she was stunning and I had to tell her. I fell for her right on the spot.. If it wasn't for that little old lady pushing for us to exchange numbers, I never would have had the stones to ask her out. Dancing with someone is one thing, but finding the perfect dance partner is the rarest of finds. I want to continue dancing with her for the rest of my life.

For all the days along the way
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