Please reach out to Sam or Mikayla to discuss whether a plus one is welcome. Unfortunately, we need to keep the guest count as small as possible so please ask before inviting anyone to the wedding that has not already been contacted by the couple.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 concerns, we will be keeping the number of in-person guests to a minimum and will be hosting the ceremony via Zoom so that as many of our friends and family can celebrate with us as possible. If you are comfortable, we would appreciate anyone willing to join us in praying for the safety and protection of all involved. If you are attending in person, please bring a mask. Current venue requirements include masks in the common areas (bathrooms, front entrance, hallways)
Semi formal dress code: ties and dresses are encouraged
We are not registered anywhere, because we are moving to Germany soon we cannot accept any physical gifts. However, monetary gifts are always welcome!
We will be serving Holyland Deli, and will have a combination of gluten free, dairy free, and vegetarian options. If you have an accommodation not listed here, please let us know.
We are still working out the schedule for the day but we will have someone at the door to let in guests by 1:30 PM.
We will have a professional photographer for the ceremony, so please keep phones down and sound off during the ceremony. Please wait to publish and photos or videos of the wedding to social media until the Monday following. We have guests whose privacy we will need to respect so please ask for permission before taking photos of other guests or the wedding party before publishing photos or videos including them. If you have any questions or concerns about phone usage/social media, please reach out to Mikayla