For friends and family who wish to extend their generosity even further, we are already in the midst of planning our next adventure. This one, called honeymoon, will hopefully take us to Madagascar and the Mascarene islands on our one-year anniversary in 2025. Your support in making this dream a reality would be a cherished gift. As you all know, next to traveling, we also both really love good and exciting food. Therefore, any culinary experiences are also always very welcome :-) We will have a save place to store your presents ;-)
For those who would like to contribute electronically, we opened a Swiss bank account, where the money will be safe until we raid it for our adventure. Please use the following information:
Martin Faltys and Victoria Andreas
IBAN : CH21 0840 1000 0691 4619 5
Migros Bank, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland , BIC MIGRCHZZXXX, Clearing 8401
And remember, every minute spent on the dancefloor and enjoying your evening means the biggest world to us!