Please note with the constantly changing restrictions in Alberta things for our wedding may change with little notice. Please be patient with us as we are managing our way through these difficult times. We truly hope we can have each and everyone of you celebrating with us.
We are asking all guests who are eligible and plan to attend our wedding in-person to please be vaccinated before attending. If you have chosen to not get vaccinated, please plan to not attend the wedding in-person. You are welcome to celebrate with us in a different capacity. Thank you for doing your part to protect those who cannot receive the vaccine. We would not be able to have our wedding without everyone doing their part.
As we're already lucky enough to have all the physical items we need to start our lives together, we would love any contributions to our honeymoon fund so we can create new experiences that will last a lifetime.
Please see the travel tab on our website for further information.
There is limited parking in the venue parking lot, please consider car pooling or parking across the street.
The hotel in our travel tab is right across the street from the venue.
Please RSVP by July 1st 2021!
Due to COVID-19 restrictions only guests who have received an invite will be able to attend our wedding.
The ceremony will begin at 1pm, guests will not be let in the venue after 1pm.