Picture it, Milwaukee, 2017, it was my first official day on the job. I turn around and see this blonde haired guy looking at me, fiddling with his tie. "Hi, I'm Luke". I didn't know it then [he says he did], but that's when our true love began.
Ever have a restaurant you just can't get out of your head? Has it ever been white castle? I remember for weeks Luke would ask if Kurt and others and I wanted to run to kenosha for white castle. One night, after work Kurt, Luke, and myself were FINALLY going to go. Well, kurt had something come up, so I suggest Luke and I just go, just as friends [I was still oblivious]. All I got in a return was "Nooo, I wanted Kurt to go too." That was apparently how he rejected me for our first almost date.
He has so much dedication. So much so that he let me convince him to bleach his hair and use a permanent bright red hair dye, rather than a spray coloring, for walgreens Red Nose Day. Wanna talk about awkward? try having your boobs in a guys face that you've secretly been crushing on, washing his hair, and blowdrying it 2-3 times in a row.
Avengers:Infinity War. I've never been super huge into comic movies, nothing against them, just never went out of my way to watch them. Untill 5/20/17. A date with his sister and a few friends. Only I didn't realize it was a date... man ida dressed better. He was adorably nervous. Hindsight is 20/20.
You know how you can tell if you wanna be with some one? Watch the way they eat a huge sloppy burger.
theres so much detail this would be a mile long if I wrote it out. what I can say is I couldnt have pictured a better way of Luke asking than just he and i surrounded by christmas lights on a beautiful winter night.