3:30 PM Guest Arrival 4:30 PM Garden Ceremony 6:30 PM Dinner Reception 8:30 PM After Party
Dress Code: Formal Dress Color: F: Champagne, White / M: Black, White
Dive in Ocean, Love in island
True love came the 3rd day
"Wow, how can you be this courageous, OMG!"
We were registered in China!
Finally, Our Wedding day is coming
那么,就在一个明朗的夏天 硕大的太阳,我的幸福之同谋 将使你美丽更为美好, 于绸缎之间。 纯蓝的天,如一顶高高的帐篷, 将以长长的褶叠 震颤于我俩欢乐的额头之上, 它们因幸福和期待而变为苍白。 夕暮来到之顷,空气将会柔和 且爱抚地嬉戏于你的面纱之上。 而众星的宁谧目光, 将仁慈地微笑, 向新郎,向新娘。