Andrew and I have been attending the same church in Hoboken for about 3 years prior to dating. Surprisingly during that time we have never met. I sing in the band and have seen him from stage and always wondered hmm who is that guy. One night I was out with friends and was on Hinge. I was getting ready to delete the app when my friend told me to give it another shot. Thankfully I listened to her that night. The next day we met on Hinge after I kept seeing his profile pop up. He likes to tell everyone that I skipped him but what I really wanted to do was introduce myself at church in person. I decided to like one of his pictures and not too long after he messages me and says "not sure if you know this but I go to Hoboken Grace with you lol". Of course I did know that and got nervous. Luckily our conversations were so easy going and we ended up going on our first date that next Sunday after church. We ended up getting coffee, then had brunch and that’s when I stole his heart after he witnessed me devour a burger. The rest was history.