Aeropuerto Internacional de Guadalajara Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla is the airport guest will fly into. The airport is 45 min away from Zapopan where most of the wedding activities will be taking place.
Transportation to and from the airport will be the guests responsibility since guests will be arriving and depaturing on different times and days. Taxi services are available at the airport or you can reach out to your hotel and arrange pick ups. Uber is not available to pick up guest at the airport.
We will be providing transportation to and from the wedding venue from the Hyatt Regency Andares Hotel.
Hyatt Regency Andares Guadalajara
5065 Boulevard Puerta de Hierro, Zapopan Jalisco 45116, Mexico
Please book directly through link below. Room block is only discounted for the dates Friday 4/26-Monday 4/29.
Group code: G-R407