
Vagner ❤️ Pablo

    The Mansion

The Mansion

The Wedding Website of Vagner Dias and Pablo Souble
The Mansion is located in Millerstown - Pennsylvania, 2 hours and a half from Philadelphia and 3 hours and a half from New York City. In the midst of exuberant nature, it is prepared to host up to 40 overnight guests. And it is with great pleasure that we will host our guests who want to make the most of this weekend by our side. The organization and layout of rooms is being done to ensure that our guests who will be traveling from far away, have priority. Please note that most rooms are shared and therefore we cannot guarantee privacy during your stay... If you live in NYC or PHILLY and want to spend the night with us, you are more than welcome, we kindly ask you to bring your air mattress so that we can accommodate everyone as comfortably as possible. We also ask our dear guests to take note that the signal in this region is very poor and your phone may not work as desired, so The Mansion only offers wifi inside the property. It is strictly forbidden to smoke inside the house. ❤️
For all the days along the way
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