The day we met Stands apart From all the other days In my memories To say that I am Changed by that day Is to not say Near enough Before that day; My way had been lost More importantly My words had been lost After that day, after the darkness; My words began to flow effortlessly At times I was so engrossed in you That I barely knew I existed You became my greatest pleasure Souls touched and two flames became one When I think of the path I took To get to that day, to get to you I am left breathless in wonder At how we managed to meet that day Was it fate or luck or magic or what Whatever it was it matters not What matters is this: I've loved you From that day To this day. -Ty
On my 30 something Birthday (lol), Brandon had planned a birthday dinner/party with some family and friends. While I was on the dance floor with my mom having a time. That’s when "This is why I Love you " started playing , I was told to turn around. When I looked over,he was down on one knee. He was shaking so nervous 🥹 heck I was shaking too 😅 and he asked me “Will you Marry Me?” I screamed, shouted "YES," and we were engaged. Added that to one of “The happiest moments in my life” page. We're so excited to celebrate this next chapter in our lives with you. See you #OnCloudRay