Travel Note
Parking: There are options for day-use and overnight parking. Please carpool if possible! You will be directed upon arrival. Camping: We are so excited to have you join us for the weekend! We have a large variety of accommodations for you! Please watch the video tour of the property to familiarize yourself with the venue. There is space for tent camping, car/RV camping (no hookups), and rustic structures with padded bunks! There are bathrooms and hot showers, but very limited electricity on site. Ice and water will be provided! Please be sure to note which days you will be joining us and which style of camping (tent, car, structure) you prefer when you RSVP. Family Camping: If you are bringing your children please let us know when you RSVP. There will be a designated family camping area. PETS: Although we absolutely love our furry friends, unfortunately the venue does not allow them on premises. Please find appropriate accommodation for them elsewhere for the weekend. Not camping with us?! If you prefer more luxurious accommodations there are many options in Florence or Eugene. If you are only joining for the day please have a designated driver & carpool. We will take your keys and put you in a bunk if need be! We love you, stay safe!