July 29, 2023
Ferndale, WA

Erin & Tye

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If you have any additional questions, feel free to text us! Erin: 206.708.4044 Tye: 425.977.3239

What do I wear?


Please be comfortable! It's a summertime, backyard wedding. Leave the gowns and suits at home, and wear cool clothes and comfy shoes. Come ready to eat, dance, and mingle.


what should i bring?


Your appetite, your dancing shoes, and your smile! We've got the details covered - so come be our guest!


should we bring the kids? what about the dog?


We love and welcome your kids, and there will be fun activities for all ages. If you prefer to have a night off, however, that's cool too. Please leave your furry friends at home. Our hosts have a gorgeous property and a couple of very sweet dogs of their own. We want them to feel comfortable, especially while sharing their yard with so many new human friends!


covid is still a real thing... should i wear my mask?


We will be entirely outdoors so please make your own judgment call on wearing a mask. Of course, if you or anyone in your household is exhibiting symptoms associated with Covid-19 on the day of, or within 5 days leading up to the ceremony, we ask that you please stay at home. We'll miss you terribly, but need to prioritize the health and safety of all of our loved ones.


so you're doing a ceremony AND a cruise? and we're invited to both?


Yes! We have so many wonderful people in our life (that includes you!), and we want to celebrate the start of our marriage with as many as possible. We also think it will be a total blast to get lots of family and friends onto a big boat and explore the Alaskan coast, so we hope you will join us! (Note: We know that cruising is not for everyone, though - especially given the current state of the pandemic... So please make the best choice for you.)


will there be parking?


Yes, our hosts have a large front yard on the side of their house where guests will be asked to park. If you are able to carpool, however, that will be best. Please designate a sober driver - we want everyone to get home safely!


what if it rains?


Well, it will be the middle of summer in Washington - so it's unlikely to rain all day. But don't worry, we'll have tents to protect us from rain and (excessive) shine.


should we bring a gift?


Thank you! But no. We have way too much stuff as it is. But if you would like to do something, we would be honored by a donation to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research in memory of Tye's dad, Larry Poor. https://give.michaeljfox.org/fundraiser/4532032

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