Lauren and Jordan first met while working together at Angie’s List in 2017. Jordan joined Angie's List in May, and Lauren gave Jordan his welcome package - from then on Jordan knew he wanted to get to know Lauren. However, Lauren made the first move and invited Jordan to Friday night volleyball at Pinheads. From there he joined the running group she was a part of, The Road Sodas, and the rest is history. Lauren and Jordan started going to concerts and shows together—including their first concert the Doobie Brothers and Chicago. One of their favorite memories is grabbing dinner downtown at the 1933 Lounge for their first date and then going to a Tiesto show. Jordan proposed to Lauren in Diagon Alley, on a family vacation to Universal Studios - Orlando. Right when the dragon sitting on Gringott's Bank began to breath fire, Jordan kneeled down to propose. Lauren's initial reaction was that he was tying his shoes in the middle of a large crowd, but she quickly realized what was happening. Among the applause and shouts, Lauren said yes! We can't wait to celebrate with you at our wedding ceremony and reception in October!