7:00 pm
If you're in town, meet the couple for a drink before the big day!
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
We request all guests show up in their best semi-formal brunch attire (dress to impress, baby!) NO jeans, sneakers, hats, or casual-wear. Turn up and turn out!
The ceremony will start promptly at 10am on Saturday morning, please plan to arrive to the venue at least 30 minutes before showtime to ensure a timely arrival! All guests who arrive after doors closed will be asked to meet us afterwards at the reception (at the same location). Please consider ride-sharing to the venue, so that you can fully celebrate with us and safely travel afterwards! Please keep in mind that due to the ongoing pandemic, we respectfully require all attendees be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 and take a rapid test 48 hours before the event (households can request free tests via USPS). We want to keep you and our loved ones safe! If anyone is feeling ill, we ask that you stay home so that we do not get anyone sick. (Imagine us being a Covid super spreader event?)
3:30 pm
You are free to wear what you wore to the wedding (you know we're not wasting our expensive ass outfits), change into the other outfit you were debating on wearing (OKAY outfit change!), or wear something more comfortable. Whatever will help you have the most fun for the night!
We understand that this is a brewery, and it might be hard to transition from spirits to beer, so we will also be providing guests with champagne/prosecco, white wine, and red wine to continue the festivities! There will also be a food truck on site for you all to grab some food when needed (please eat something other than liquids)! This brewery is also a 4 minute drive (rideshare, please) to the hotel, or a brisk 20 minute walk. Please feel free to bring people you might've traveled with but were unable to attend our wedding (including kiddos if you want!) to this part of the day!