
Elizabeth & Trevor

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

The Wedding Website of Elizabeth Mendelson and Trevor Todd
Meet the amazing people who mean the most to us!

Robert West


Robert was introduced to Trevor through mutual friends. Their friendship was built on whiskey tastings, the arch rival of Florida State and University of Florida, and moving to Nashville together. They began working together in Tampa and later Robert was a huge reason for Trevor moving to Nashville and eventually meeting Elizabeth. Elizabeth and Trevor are thrilled to have Robert marry them!

Karen Mendelson

Matron of Honor

Karen has been a part of Elizabeth's family since 2004 when she began dating Elizabeth's brother. From attending Funky Farm Camp to working along side each other, Elizabeth and Karen have spent a lot of time together. Karen has always been a big sister to Elizabeth and could not imagine Karen not being next to her as she marries Trevor.

James Robert Todd, Jr.

Best Man

Bobby is Trevor's dad and best friend. Trevor's love of sports comes from his dad. Bobby attended every single one of Trevor's baseball games from little league to high school. Their love for classic cars has brought them to remodeled multiple together (or Bobby doing all the work and telling Trevor what he is doing wrong). It is so special for Trevor for him to have his dad stand beside him as he begins this next chapter in his life.

Annelise Corriveau


Enemies to best friends, Annelise and Elizabeth have known each other since Kindergarten. They have made up dances to Black Eyed Peas, gone to sleep away camp for two weeks together and Elizabeth even witnessed Annelise's dad pierce her ears. Annelise is a lifelong friend who Elizabeth couldn't picture this next milestone without.

Alex Guerrero


Alex and Trevor met in high school through Alex's twin brother, Harold. While taking AP Literature, they bonded over not knowing the information for the class and sat next to the teacher to listen to other students' questions. They later found their true bond through fishing and video games (which they still play most nights). Alex has been a life long friend for Trevor and he cannot wait to have Alex by his side.

Margaux Richman


Margaux and Elizabeth have had many fun adventures together! Although they met in high school, their friendship didn't grow until after graduation. It continued throughout college during breaks. They've spent many nights out in DC ending in McDonalds as well as many trips to Deep Creek Lake. This next chapter could not be started without Margaux being a part of it!

Harold Guerrero


Trevor met Harold in AP World History. They became close friends and Trevor was welcomed into the Guerrero family with a new nickname "Guy". Harold and his family mean so much to Trevor and he cannot share a single memory from home without mentioning them. Trevor was recently in Harold's wedding and Trevor cannot wait for Harold to be in his.

Casey Lambert


Sigma forever! Casey and Elizabeth met at High Point University when they both joined Sigma Sigma Sigma. They quickly became great pals from playing intramural sports to parties in 792! Their friendship grew even more out of college when they began visiting each other in their new homes. They toured many breweries and sang "Friends in Low Places" more than they could count! Elizabeth stood by Casey's side as she married the man of her dreams and Elizabeth cannot wait to have her stand by her side!

Truman Williams


Truman has been there for it all. Trevor and Truman met on the golf team in high school where they shared many birdies shot by Truman and many bogies shot by Trevor. Through the late night car rides to the early morning church services, Truman is one of a kind friend. Their friendship continues to grow with age and Trevor looks forwarding to building more memories through the wedding with Truman.

Madison Economos


High Point University Graduate School brought Elizabeth not only a degree but an amazing friend! Madison and Elizabeth became fast friends in grad school and stayed friends when Elizabeth moved back to Maryland. After months of convincing, Madison finally had Elizabeth to move to Nashville with her! Madison is HUGE reason Trevor and Elizabeth met! Elizabeth and Trevor cannot wait for Madison to be at the alter with them.

Zach Will


Zach and Trevor have many unforgettable times together although they may not remember all of them. They have enjoyed many dock nights, casino outings, and many high scoring rounds on the golf course. Zach is the friend who will always answer a call, even in class. Trevor and Zach's friendship is filled with once in a lifetime memories and there are more to be made wedding weekend!

Allie Massie


Teacher friends are the best friends! Allie and Elizabeth may have met as work friends but they later became roommates and then quarantine buddies. Elizabeth was lucky enough to moved into Allie's parents house for two months during the height of Covid. Allie was there when Trevor and Elizabeth went on our first date (twice!) Allie has always been there for Elizabeth and Trevor and they both could not see themselves get married without their Alliebear!

Robert Dominguez


Rob is the friend that always has your back. Trevor and Rob met later in life at a party but became instant friends. They've shared New Year Eve Dinners (just the two of them) and tons of country concerts (not just the two of them). Elizabeth met Rob a few times visiting Tampa where they have enjoyed sharing embarrassing stories about Trevor. Rob asked Trevor to be in his wedding and now Trevor looks forward to having Rob at his side as well.

Josh Mendelson


Josh is Elizabeth's older brother. From sports to music, he has played a major contribution in Elizabeth's life. Elizabeth's fondest memories with Josh were driving to school together in high school and blasting rap or country. Being able to stand up at the alter with Josh at his wedding has always had a special place in her heart. Elizabeth cannot wait for him to be up there with her this time.

Callie Mendelson

Flower Girl

Elizabeth's niece

Cameron Mendelson

Ring Bearer

Elizabeth's nephew

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