Due to the ongoing concerns of the COVID-19 pandemic we are requiring that all guests ages 5 and above must either be fully vaccinated OR provide proof of a negative covid test conducted on either Thursday (7/28) or Friday (7/29). Testing must occur no more than 48 hours before the event. Proof of negative test can be sent to coudalwedding22@gmail.com No later than 5pm Friday July 29th. For mask requirements, we will be following whatever the CDC recommends at that time. WE ASK THAT ANY GUEST SHOWING ANY SYMPTOMS OF COVID-19 DO NOT ATTEND THE WEDDING. We will have two photographers and a videographer. We will be sad if you cannot attend but we will have many memories to share!
We met in 2011 in 9th grade study hall (wow!) through mutual friends. We remained study buddies frequently convincing the study hall teacher to let us go to the computer lab so we could get away with not actually doing any homework. Finally after a few months, everything changed. In biology class we shared, the teacher changed the seating chart and we ended up as lab partners. Well, Sarah had recently broken her foot and struggled to carry around lab supplies. So Travis, being the gentleman he is, carried everything for her. Soon, he started slipping notes into her lab supplies. After much teasing from mutual friends in study hall, insisting that we had to go on a date, Travis asked Sarah out on April 16, 2012.
By this point, after being together for 7 years, we had talked a lot about marriage and knew it was something we both wanted. We went ring shopping a few times through 2019, so Sarah knew it was coming. Over New Year's, we went on a cruise with Travis's family and some family friends. Travis had a wonderful engagement plan for New Year's Eve, the entire party (about 20 people) knew and a photographer was even convinced to be present when Travis popped the question. Due to some unforeseen circumstances, it didn't happen. On January 1st, we were having a great time celebrating the new year and new decade. Sarah thought "If he doesn't hurry it up, I may beat him to it! It's 2020, a woman can propose to a man!" While it didn't happen that day, Sarah told Travis the following day about the funny thought she'd had. Travis said, "Oh yeah?" And took the ring out right then and there and proposed. In their cabin, with no one around. And while a grand proposal on New Year's Eve would have been very romantic, we both agreed that a private moment between the two of us was the perfect way for us to agree to start on the next phase of our lives together.