Maid of Honor
Megan has been more then a sister to me. She has been a best friend, a shoulder, and confidant for the entirety of my life. I can't imagine having anyone else at my side when I officially make Matt and Cooper a part of my family.
Sarah coming into my life has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me. She makes me stronger, smarter, and better for knowing her and I love her like family. I am so lucky to have her next to me at my wedding.
Mary 'Lary' has been one of my best girlfriends since we were in diapers. I am so lucky our parents were best friends. I have so many wonderful memories with this girl and I wanted someone who knows me inside and out up there helping me celebrate one of the best days of my life.
Best Man
When asked who would be my best man, there was no question it would be my dad. For he has always been there for me, and been my best friend. I'm grateful for the relationship we share and the support he has given me throughout life!
Of all the friends I've had, Dave has consistently put back in effort to maintain our friendship. Encouraging me to pursue my goals and subtly pushing me better myself. Since early high school, Dave has been one of my best friends!
Arie is a great sister, mother, and daughter. She's grown up to be pretty darn cool these days and I am happy to have her stand up there with me!
Ring Bearer
This little bugger is the joy of Matt and I's life. The entrance of him into each of our lives was an honor and we are lucky to have him as a son/step-son. He is goof ball with the biggest heart. We are so excited for him to share this day with us.
Flower Girl
We are so glad to have Olive be a part of our wedding day! Her mother Alicia was my mom's flower girl in her wedding, so we thought it was only fitting to have her daughter be mine. She will be a perfect addition to our celebration!
Mother of the Bride
My mother has been such a huge influence in my life. She has taught me to be strong, independent and respectful, but she has also taught me what unconditional love truly is. I owe her more then I could ever repay other then to love others as hard and as fierce as she has taught me how to love. I love you mom, and i'm so glad you are here for this.
Father of the Bride
My dad has been such a supportive rock in my life. I have always been able to count on him and come to him with anything. Having such a kind, supportive and loving man in my life has been an honor. Although I am introducing a new man into my life, I will always be his little girl. I love you dad.