September 24, 2022
Austin, TX

Jaclyn & John

Floral ArrangementFloral Arrangement


The Wedding Website of Jaclyn Boozalis and John MacKay
Our wedding pictures are now available! https://jendillenderphotography.pixieset.com/boozalismackaywedding/ Password: Driskill092422 Download PIN: 9407 Did John propose with a bag of dirt first so that he could technically kneel down on one knee on dirt from a street corner in St. Louis where I'd joked he should propose randomly from 4.5 years ago? Yes!
Our very first photo together: 2013! John had just joined our college acapella group, More Fools Than Wise. We took a trip out to the pumpkin patch for some Fall fun!
Our very first photo together: 2013! John had just joined our college acapella group, More Fools Than Wise. We took a trip out to the pumpkin patch for some Fall fun!
Match Day 2020!
This is the day I found out she'd get to move to Austin for internal medicine residency. We'd finally be living in the same city again!
Match Day 2020! This is the day I found out she'd get to move to Austin for internal medicine residency. We'd finally be living in the same city again!
Just a couple of cuties out for a dinner date in our matching outfits. Thanks Hannah for the mustard sweaters!
Just a couple of cuties out for a dinner date in our matching outfits. Thanks Hannah for the mustard sweaters!
Halloween 2021
Our fourth year dressing up as Leia and Chewy, we just look so good this way we haven't come up with a new couples costume yet!
Halloween 2021 Our fourth year dressing up as Leia and Chewy, we just look so good this way we haven't come up with a new couples costume yet!
Dogtor Olive got to visit Jaclyn and her coworkers at the hospital
Dogtor Olive got to visit Jaclyn and her coworkers at the hospital
For all the days along the way
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