This hotel is blocked for all guests of the wedding and can be booked now. A group room rate has been secured for double and single rooms and by clicking the link and choosing your dates, you can book at our special rates which average from $165 - $189 depending on your length of stay. This hotel includes a free shuttle from the airport, free breakfast, and a free cocktail hour. It is centrally located near many stores and restaurants. It is approximately 25 minutes away from the wedding venue.
This is the hotel that the wedding ceremony and reception will be held at. This is also where the bride and groom will be staying for the weekend. If you would like a room here, please let us know and we can get you a room booked at the group rate of $369 per night. Keep in mind this is one of the most premier hotels located in Downtown Savannah on the river.
There are also many Airbnb options available in the local area.
This is the preferred airport to fly into that will put you directly in Savannah. It is located 10 minutes from the blocked hotel, Embassy Suites, which offers a free shuttle.
Offers flights into SAV from many cities but this is a great airline option for residents of California. Please contact Melanie Caple at 786-608-3939 for a 20% discount on the lowest Jet Blue rate.
Offers flights directly into Savannah from many different airports.