Of course!! Just make sure when you RSVP you tell us your party number! The reception hall offers a kid friendly room with Legos and toys for all ages! If you a perfer to have a night off from the kids, that is fine as well!
Yes, the Holiday Inn offers a shuttle to guests staying at the hotel. However, Lyft is available to other guests staying elsewhere!
If your RSVP has a "Plus 1" then you are free to inivite a guest! If not, then we would prefer if it was just you!
Cocktail, please. But we want you to feel comfortable, so if those shoes are too high or that top button is too tight, let it all hang loose!
We want everyone to have as much fun as possible, but as we all know the festivities can really wear you out! The reception officially ends at 11:00 PM, but feel free to call it a night whenever suits you best! For the party animals in the group, the reception is just a couple blocks from the nightlife of downtown Rapid, so feel free to continue the party after the newlyweds call it a night!