August 13, 2022
Newberg, Oregon

Kara & Nicholas

    Wedding Party
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Wedding Party

The Wedding Website of Kara Hershberger and Nicholas Clarke

Emily Wolff

Maid of Honor

Emily is Kara’s big in their sorority, Alpha Phi, and was also the reason Kara and Nic met. Kara met Emily on the final round of sorority recruitment at Oregon State and have been inseparable ever since! They truly are sisters and have such a special best friendship. Emily has the biggest heart and loves spending time in the outdoors just like Nic and Kara! Not only is Emily one of Nic and Kara’s best friends, but their dogs are best friends too.

Rachel Becker


Rachel and Kara went to high school together, but their relationship truly blossomed when they lived together in Alpha Phi at Oregon State. Rachel knows how to make anyone laugh and is such a genuine best friend. She is like the sister Nic never had and she is a lifelong friend to Kara. Rachel loves going on lots of adventures with Nic and Kara, and they cherish memories with her forever!

Lily Robins


Lily is Kara’s little in their sorority, Alpha Phi, and they met on the final round of Lily’s year going through recruitment. Nic and I Kara know Lily’s brother Sam who was Nic’s roommate in their Fraternity, Sigma Chi, so Kara knew her and Lily would be family before they even met! Lily has been such a positive light in Kara and Nic’s lives and is killing it in grad school studying Psychology at Seattle U.

Pia Murphy


Pia met Kara through Nic at Oregon State and their friendship truly started at the music festival Bumbershoot. They bonded over their love for similar music, their loud personalities, and their positive energies. Pia has such a creative soul and has her own makeup/eyelash extension business! Kara and Nic love double dating with Pia and her significant other Max. Their friendships are truly for life!

Cheri Armstrong


Cheri and Kara met through Nic because Nic and Cheri were Sing Partners at Oregon State. Sing is a tradition at Oregon State where a sorority and fraternity partner to perform in a singing/dancing competition during Mom’s Weekend. Nic always thought Cheri was such a great friend and Kara knew instantly he was right. Cheri is one of a kind and not only has the best taste in music, but also has the most amazing eye for interior design!

Kennedy Benitez


Kennedy and Kara met through Nic and his best-man Andrew, who is also Kennedy’s fiancé. Kennedy has the sweetest soul, and is a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor. Kennedy and Kara have always felt they understand each other on a deep level, and Kara has always cherished their fun friendship. Also, Nic and Kara are honored to be in Kennedy and Andrew’s wedding next June! Being fiancé’s at the same time has been such a special time in Nic and Kara’s lives and they love doing life with them.

Janel Cisneros


Janel and Kara met through Lily and being sorority sisters at Oregon State. Janel and Kara’s close friendship grew stronger throughout their time in college, so on Kara’s last year of recruitment she asked Janel to formally be her other little in the sorority. Nic and Kara are inspired by Janel’s hard work in law-school at Gonzaga and her fun loving personality that is always the life of the party! Kara knows Janel is going to be very successful due to her hard work ethic and infectious personality.

Connor Clarke

Co Best Man

Connor is Nic's brother and a best friend. As kids, Connor and Nic shared many interests like Football, Wrestling, Hiking, Camping, etc. Even though these brothers have taken a different path after college they never grew apart and always make time to do the things they love together, which is slowing down and enjoying the great outdoors together. Connor always leads by example and is a quiet leader. Connor exemplifies loyalty, honesty, and commitment that has always inspired both Nic and Kara

Andrew Rice

Co Best Man

Andrew and Nic have been best friends since Nic moved to Sherwood, OR when he was 4. They originally bonded over competing in the same sports together from elementary through high school - Football and Wrestling. They went on to attend Oregon State University together, pledging Sigma Chi together, rooming together & living with each other through college. Andrew has been with Nic and Kara since the beginning of their journey and his been like a brother to both of them. Andrew is truly a one of a kind and irreplaceable friend that Kara and Nic are both blessed to have

Kevin Larkin


Kevin grew up down the street from Nic. They would keep each other entertained from riding bikes and playing wiffel ball, to playing hid n seek in Old Town Sherwood. Their friendship went deeper than just neighbors as they playing on the same football team and continued their friendship through college and after college. Kevin is the nicest, most genuine person that will always puts others first, and always steps up to be the decision maker for the group.

Riley Moore


Riley and Nic grew up running in the same circle of friends but never really got super close until College. Riley and Nic were in the same High School graduating class, but Riley didn't start to attend OSU until their Jr. year. Riley joined Sigma Chi with Nic and their friendship just continued to grow from there. When they were home for the summers Riley and Nic would work out and spend time together after work as their relationship continued to grow though-out college. Riley is always positive, energetic, and down for anything. You can always count on Riley to have the best stories and sharing many laughs.

Spencer Clay


Spencer and Nic grew up playing the same sports - Football, Wrestling, Baseball. But, their friendship never really took off until they pledged the same fraternity their freshman year of college. From living with each other and going through college together they realized they had a lot in common. Spencer truly has the biggest heart and will make everyone around him feel like your best friend.

Scott Skurdahl


Scott moved to Sherwood, OR in 4th grade when Nic and Scott met. Nic remembers the first day Scott got on the school bus with his University of Michigan jersey on. Nic and Scott become really close throughout middle school when they played on the same football team in 7th & 8th grade where Nic's Dad coached and they still talk about some of the plays that happened. Nic and Scott graduated from the same high school class and Scott enrolled at Oregon State the spring of their freshmen year after playing a season of football at Linfield. Nic and Kara have always looked up to Scott as an example of his leadership not just for his confidence and perseverance, but his humility and passion he puts into everything he does.

Mickey Schaefer


Mickey and Nic's friendship began when their dads coached their 5th grade football team together. Nic always remembers Mickey's helmet being too big for his head basically from 5th grade to Senior year of High School. Nic and Mickey both graduated from Sherwood High School in 2014 and attended Oregon State University the following fall. they joined different fraternities and were in different classes but stayed close through college and into adulthood. Mickey always knew how to push our buttons but would always know how to relate to you on a real level too. Nic considers Mickey and his dog his hiking buddies

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