
Tiffaney & Adrian


Tiffaney McKinney


Adrian Bennett


May 25, 2025

Murfreesboro, TN
248 days248 d11 hours11 h59 minutes59 min34 seconds34 s

How We Met

" Love Online "

"My cousin had talked me into getting back out there and start dating and suggested dating sites. Never had been on one nor even had a profile on a dating site, so I seen that Facebook had one so I made my profile and I was scrolling, came across ALOT of NOOOs so I decided to get off of it. Month or so passed and I decided to give it another shot. I came across Adrian profile and was like OKKKKKKKK Facebook might be on to something. Now mind you I DONT APPROACH AT ALL!! But I knew if I wanted different I had to do different so I hit the like button and waited to see if she liked me back, then BOOM there it was she hearted me back and we matched. So I’m like "Ayyyeee, your girl still got it" , ok so I slide in the inbox and sent a message. We conversed and I gave her my number to text me. She never texted, I waited but nope nothing. Days later she messaged me and said she wrote the wrong number down and thought I didn’t respond to her lol. We conversed via phone, and text message for a min and decided we would meet up face to face. She invited me over one night so I pulled up. We chilled and immediately vibed , listened to music, talking etc. It didn’t feel like to strangers, it felt like we had known each other all our lives. And from that night on let’s just say "WE BELONGED TOGETHER!!!" -Tiffaney "Oh wow but we actually meet on the Facebook Dating App that profile had her in my inbox ! LOL " - Adrian

Our First Date

" Pass The Chips & Salsa "

"Our first date was at a Mexican restaurant “Cancun Lagoon” the day of I wanted everything to be perfect, I laid out my clothes like the first day of school! LOL I’m always late to everything but nope not this day! I made sure I was on time! I was excited to see her. I was a little nervous, because I just wanted to see that smile when she seen me! And I DID!! The date was great because as always it felt natural as if we had known each other for years. The conversation, the laughs, and the smiles was all there. A great first date I would say! When we left I got in my car and said AYYYYYYEEEE, lil baby ain’t going no where!!" - Tiffaney "I believe it was this Mexican spot in Gallatin … I wasn’t nervous at all I was actually happy to see her again because our phone conversation was on point and to actually sit in front of each other face to face was everything.. I can say we both wasn’t shy at all because we messed that food up and got lit… overall it was just like eating with a long time friend catching up." - Adrian

Fun Fact about Us

" Binging With The Bennett's "

"Omg we are a whole VIBE together, we’re goofy, laugh all the time We Love watching SWAT and a Tubi movie. We both love liver cheese and crackers! lol " "We goofy when we together or even out with others we have a great time just laughing and enjoying each other…. We love watching Swat or a Good Tubi Movie 😂😂😂"

The Proposal

" She Did Her Big One "

"A memory I’ll never forget. I walked into a room full of friends and family with Adrian down on one knee! All I could do was cry, it was thoughtful, personal, intimate, and very well planned. It was definitely a shock bc I had no clue! She gave me a moment that every girl dreams of, a feeling that every woman deserves, and a lifetime of happiness for years to come! She definitely did her big one" - Tiffaney " I mean you know I did my big one if u haven’t seen it let me know and I’ll show you lol…. Truthfully I was a nervous wreck but I wanted to make this proposal real personal for her and I did just that and of course she said YES" - Adrian

On Wedding Day We Are Most Looking Forward To ..

"Well the first order of business would be me being able to tell her “I told you so” ( because when we first meet, I told her off jump that she wasn’t going no where and that we was going to be together and get married, she always laughed me off and thought I was playing, but I was serious) NOW LOOK AT US! Seeing her smile! Seeing her dressed up and looking all good! And to finally be about to say my wife! Being able to look out and see all the love and support from people that came to witness our Union. And to see the smiles on our parent’s faces. And most of all the alone time after it’s all said and done." - Tiffaney "Honestly on this day I’m looking forward to seeing Tiffaney and that beautiful smile… I also can’t wait to see everyone that came to support our love and be apart of this amazing blessing between us two." - Adrian

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