November 23, 2019
Dahlonega, Georgia

Jordan & Garrett


Garrett Whitlock


Jordan Barham



November 23


His Story

Jordan and I first met in the most of romantic of places that one can meet another- the laundry room of Blazer Hall at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. It was fall. The first semester of my freshman year of college. Surprising enough, to me and anyone who knows me, I was ACTUALLY doing my own laundry, with my teammate Zack Davis. We were sitting on the couch in the laundry room chilling and doing homework when this beautiful girl comes running in.... Me, being the most outgoing and personable guy anyone knows did what I always do when I see a cute girl- sat there and didn’t say a word. Luckily I came to find out that Zack knew this girl because after she found her laundry she said hey. They later struck up a conversation and he thankfully pulled me into it. At this point my laundry was finished, but I didn’t want to leave...so I decided "hey another dollar isn’t going to hurt". I ran my whole load again, just so I could keep talking to this girl. Eventually, I couldn’t fake doing my laundry for a third time so we parted ways for the night. Looking back it is forever a night that I am extremely thankful for...that night was the first night that I met my future wife.

Her Story

I am forgetful. I burn cookies to a crisp. I lose my keys daily. I have gone so far as looking for my phone while it is in my very hand. But for the life of me I cannot remember timers. It is so bad I have set timers to help myself remember other timers and even those fail. They are the bane of my existence- or so I thought. It was the first week of college and some of my teammates and I were walking back from Freshman Convocation. We were halfway across the university green when all of a sudden I remember I forgot my laundry in the dryer...that I started three days before. All of a sudden I realized the alarm I had set Sunday night was not an accident, it had been to go get my stuff. In a panic I took off sprinting toward the dorms, worried that all of my new soccer gear and other clothes had been stolen. I burst into the laundry room and froze- firstly, because everyone in there looked at me like I was crazy as I stood there huffing and out of breath and secondly, because after glancing around I realized I had no idea which dryer was mine. Frantically, I started choosing units until I finally caught sight of one of my practice kits. After slightly regaining my composure I began to pull out the load and throw it onto the closest table to fold. As I whipped around with a handful of clothes I accidentally bumped into Garrett, a moment I could never forget. Who would have known that constantly losing track of time would ultimately lead me to bump into the man of my dreams, at the perfect moment in His time. God works in funny ways.

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