
Tiauna & Ted

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We're getting married!

Tiauna Clark


Ted Morency


November 12, 2023

Atlanta, GA

When God Allows You To Find Your Soul Mate!

How They Met


For Tiauna it truly was Love-At-First-Sight: everyone knows Tiauna has a memory like that of an elephant. She never forgot the 1st-night she laid eyes on Ted. "We were in our early 20's at the time. All young and full of wonder. In walks Ted...showcasing his perfectly manicured beard, stylish clothes (and most amazing of all) those pearly white teeth. I felt star-struck...even more so, when I noticed, that he had his eyes on just me in a crowd full of beautiful ladies. My heart began to race and slowly, he made his way over to me and the rest was “OurStory”!" Note: Ted claims he doesn't remember the FIRST official day they saw each other (he would always be 4 cups of Barbancourt in by the time they would cross paths), but he does remember meeting at one of the many parties they went to and falling in love, calling it a "Divine Intervention." LOL



“It truly was the most amazing proposal anyone could pray for!” Exclaimed Tiauna, in such excitement when asked about her experience that day. The two of them, together, in solitude surrounded by nature—their idea of happiness. So it was only right for Ted to bring Tiauna to his homeland and propose to her on top of Laferriere Citadel on Haitian Flag Day, a momentous day for the country, and a momentous day for the couple! Igniting their engagement on top of this indestructible foundation is what they hope to mirror, with their love, their union, and their new journey 💛💛💛! They are so excited to celebrate this next chapter in their lives with you. NOTE: PLEASE WEAR ALL BLACK FROM HEAD TO TOE (NO EXCEPTIONS) GOLD & SILVER ACCESSORIES ARE OK. See you in Atlanta!

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