
Tiara & Justin


We're Getting Married!!!


Justin Campbell


Tiara Powell


March 29, 2025

La Grange, NC
7 days7 d16 hours16 h6 minutes6 min5 seconds5 s

How We Met

I Saw You From Afar

How Justin and I met is actually really crazy lol. May of 2022 I received a message on TikTok from my now fiance' saying "Beautiful". I normally don't answer TikTok messages because it's a lot of spam mail usually. I looked at the message and he looked familiar and he was cute so I decided to message him back. I replied with a thank you and from there we started talking. I'm not on TikTok much so I asked him if he had a number I could text him on. We exchanged numbers and began texting and talking literally all day everyday. We decided to meet up and go on a date. The date was awesome so we started to spend more time together. After a couple months of getting to know each other we found that we had a lot of similarities. He used to live in my hometown so I started to question him about who he knew in the area. If people know me then they know my dad knew the whole town of Kinston. So I asked him if he knew my dad. He said he knew my dad and my cousins as well. Then it started to get interesting. I told him that I knew I had seen him before I just couldn't figure out where. He had been around my dad's side of the family this whole time and we both didn't realize it until I had brought up my grandmother's funeral and he told me that he was there with his cousin. So long story short he had been watching me for a while but never said anything to me. Ever since that first TikTok message we have been inseparable. He took his time with me because he knew that I had suffered from past trauma in past relationships. He has been patient with me, caring, loving, and everything else in between. I couldn't have prayed for a better future husband that what I have right now.

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