7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Casual Cocktail Attire (No ties for men)
The Welcome Party will be outside in the garden area of the Taconic Hotel.
5:30 pm - 5:45 pm
Cocktail/Semi-Formal Attire
Ceremony will be outside on grass. Transportation details to come.
5:45 pm - 11:30 pm
Cocktail/Semi-Formal Attire
Parking is very limited at Hildene. We are asking that all guests take the buses provided. Buses will leave at 4:30pm from the Hampton Inn, 4:40pm from the Taconic Hotel and 4:50pm from the Equinox Hotel. After the reception, we’ll have buses taking people back to these locations and to the after-party location (Mulligans Pub). We’ll have taxies provided for anyone who needs a ride home from the after-party. Cocktail hour will be outside on grass and a terrace, followed by a reception in a tent. Please note, bartenders will be checking IDs due to Vermont law, so please bring with you.
Fri, Aug 6, 2021, 11:45 pm - Sat, Aug 7, 2021, 2:00 am
Late night snacks will be available. Please note they will be checking IDs at the door. We'll be in touch if Vermont state restrictions prevent us from hosting indoors. NOTE: guests staying at the Equinox or Taconic can walk back to their rooms, taking only a few steps, after last call. Those staying at the Hampton Hilton have two choices: walk (along sidewalks) the one mile north on Main Street or catch a taxi. We'll have taxis called ahead of time for those staying elsewhere.
9:00 am - 11:30 am
You can access the Grill from the Equinox Golf Course.