We chose this hotel for our wedding block for any guests interested in staying. Please call and mention the Squadroni/Vassallo wedding through the reservations option. There are other places to stay in the area as well, however, the shuttle will only be available from this location! If you're checking in Saturday the 24th, we recommend arriving a bit sooner than the 4pm check in time, so as to avoid a long line or delay from all guests arriving at once!
Discount Code - 0223SQUADR
February 24, 2024 4:30 pm - 12:00 am
The venue is just 5 minutes from the hotel! A shuttle will be running starting at 4:40pm for transport to and from Josie Kelly's Public House until all guests have arrived. Starting 1 hour prior to the reception end and continuing until midnight (last ride 11:45pm) the shuttle will be running to bring guests back to the hotel.