
Michael & Annette

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Bianca Pavone


Bianca and I have been best friends since our junior year of high school, our friendship so quickly became a sisterhood that I often find it hard to believe she hasn't been with me my whole life. There were many evenings spent together giggling on the floor of someone's living room, late nights watching Friends in bed together, and phone therapy sessions when our paths physically distanced us. Faithful, gregarious, and caring, Bianca has kept us united throughout all of these years, and she has graciously agreed to unite Michael and I for eternity.

Diana Garcia


Even though we aren't related by blood, Diana and I grew up as family. Throughout the years we've given each other different titles of cousin or best friend, but what has always remained constant is our love and understanding for one another. Diana, being exceptionally nurturing and kindhearted, has always taken me under her wing and is the person I run to with all of my anxieties. We've had trips to Hawaii and late night adventures in Walmart, but best of all we can talk for hours and never run out of things to say. Expect to see Diana on the dance floor with her husband Jason and her beautiful toddler Liam.

Madeline Navigato


Madeline and I met at the University of Utah through our (now) fiancés. Michael was coaching at the U and Madeline's fiancé, Conner, was on his team. She and I clicked instantly and started spending almost every weekend together, exploring new local businesses, having game nights, or just sitting at a brewery and planning our futures together. Madeline is the best dog mom, the best hype woman, and my best friend. We never doubted we would play a part in one another's wedding and we are fortunate to be stepping into this next stage of life side by side.

Becky Jordan


Becky and I were fated to be best friends from the very beginning. My family moved in across the street from her family's home when I was only eleven months old- Becky wasn't even born yet. Becky and I went from spending hours making mud potions, playing with Barbies, and stealing her brother's Hot Wheels to hours long phone calls, late night venting sessions, and matching tattoos. Throughout it all we have laughed until we cried and cried until we laughed, I can always trust Becky to put a smile on my face. From our earliest days we grew up as sisters and we have been inseparable ever since, I couldn't imagine my wedding day without her.

Aurora Madera


Aurora is my sweet, sensitive little sister. We have a nine year age gap and when she was born she lit up my life. Watching such a young kid be so empathetic and humble was a huge inspiration for my path in working with children. For only being seventeen, Aurora is wise beyond her years and will always offer comfort to anyone in need. She is an exceptional artist and a wonderful musician, although she will adamantly deny this. She is my number one fan and biggest supporter, I am grateful to have her by my side in life and on this momentous day.

Sarah Swisher


Having met Sarah when she was only six years old, I have had the privilege of watching her grow up. She is my future sister-in-law but I always tease that she is also my favorite Swisher. I can always count on Sarah to tell it like it is and as a result she often plays the role of my fashion stylist, makeup artist, hairdresser, and now wedding planner. She has the ability to brighten my day with a simple FaceTime or just spending a night making dinner and watching tv. Sarah has done me the honor of including me in many of her life's biggest moments and I am grateful she has agreed to also be a part of mine.

Mary Swisher


My future sister-in-law Mary is my fellow child development enthusiast and I already know she will also be my future go-to baby sitter. She is compassionate and warmhearted, so much so that I have never met a dog that hasn't adored her, which in my book is the best judge of character there is. I can always count on her to back me up in an argument or in my board game selections. She is level headed and the voice of reason in our family, Mary can bring a positive spin to any situation- the absolute best traits in a bridesmaid.

AJ Velasquez

Best Man

I am honored to have AJ as my best man and blessed that our friendship has lasted the test of time. Our 5th grade art project still stands strong at Neil Armstrong Elementary. We have gone from juice boxes and touch football to Chinese Mai Tais and exploring San Francisco. Well, he explores and shows me the greatest hits. His talents stretch from software engineering, music, fitness, fighting, cooking, and drinking. Okay, not that many people can out drink me, but this man does it consistently. Did I mention he can bake? Pictures of his culinary confections frequent the group chat between Cameron, AJ and myself. His taste in books is respectable, even if his taste in football teams is not. Do you happen to know who was on the cover of Madden 05? If you have to look it up, don't bother bringing it up... But if you do it might be a good conversation starter

Cameron Goularte


Safe to say that half of my workout playlist is influenced solely by this man. He has gone from a long haired metal head to a proper marine and all the way to a classy business man. We survived double days, hopefully he will help get through my wedding day. The only thing I can really hold against him is that like Coors a little too much. One New Years Eve, Annette left me to go see her family so Cameron and I watched the entire original Star Wars trilogy on VHS. He single-handedly turned me into a rabbid original trilogy purist and a midiclorian hater to this. If you know who shot first and like old Toyota trucks, Cameron is your man.

Conner Soule


Conner played more League of Legends in college than I did, which is seriously saying something. We have shared some of our brightest moments together on the rift, but we really became close when we started couple's board game night. Conner and I went from teammates to close friends who spent nearly every weekend playing board games, going out in Salt Lake City, or having a couple of beers around the table. At the end of our time at the U, we all started traveling to neighboring states, exploring the Colorado, New Mexico, and California. We talk about big yards for his dogs but where you can still get a solid internet connection. If you were at a bar, you might talk to him because of his cute dogs, but you'd stay for his infectious happiness and friendship.

Nestor Madera


Nestor is a quiet, kind, human being. I have had the chance to watch him grow up in the last 10 years, providing a strong role model for his younger brothers and sister. His love for anime has permeated his siblings and cousins. He shares his artistic passion with his family. Every family get together we get a chance to look at their new creations and he is always praising their skill and new creations. He also handedly beats me at Mortal Kombat every time we play. He has this special way of disarming Annette, that I cannot for the life of me replicate. Trust me, I have tried. I look forward to the day he becomes my children's Uncle Nestor.

Leo Madera


I think the first couple times I met Annette's family I heard a total of less than 10 words from Leo. When I first met him, he was still incredibly young and always by his brother's side. He brings his imagination to life on the pages of his notebooks, with his own artistic flair. It is incredible to see the influences his family has on his creations. I have been fortunate enough to see him truly grow up. I love the way he can call out his family for some of their silly takes with a calm demeanor. I can't wait to see where life takes him and hope I can continue to watch him to grow into the amazing young man I know he is.

For all the days along the way
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