It was July 1, 2018. Sitting in the resident room, an unsuspecting Diyar was buried in intern pages and electrolyte repletions. All of a sudden a knock on the door. Enter Alyssa, wearing a blue skirt and a white blouse. She shook his hand and he forgot to breathe. Throughout the next few months she'd text to make sure he was still eating and able to function. He would sneak her away from rounds to give her some Snickers bars. Fast forward to June, 2019. Uncertainty of what's to come wearing on him, he finally decided to do it. Invite her over for a movie (The Iron Giant) and nachos (home made!). From walks along the James River canal, day trips to the beach, hiking in Shenandoah, and countless pizza nights, the two became inseparable. Next enter Remy and Luffa. Their party of two became a family of four. After a fairly awkward post-call proposal along the canal walk, she said 'yes'!