Yes, please let us know what food allergy or food preferences you have.
Yes, check out our Travel & Accommodations page for all the info you need.
Yes, but it is preferred if you use our transportation option. The winery is in middle of nowhere and the road is windy. Again, if you are DDing please feel free to drive to and from, but again that is why we got shuttle services so you do not have to worry about travel.
Buses will be arriving at 3:30 PM to a designated spot (again please look in the Travel and Accommodations page) . Please arrive at the designated spot at 3:15 PM.
If your invitation says “and Guest,” then yes, if not, we would prefer if it was just you.
Cocktail, please. But we want you to feel comfortable, so if those shoes are too high or that top button is too tight, let it all hang loose.