Our story begins in August of 2021. We were set up to go out on a double date with our mutual friends Sabastian and Caitlyn. We met at a restaurant called Doc Rotz in Minooka, IL. Allison arrived early, which is unheard of. I was next to arrive but was hoping I would be able to walk in with Caitlyn and Sabastian because I was nervous. Sabastian said they would be a few minutes late so I worked up the courage to walk inside alone to meet Allison. It was love at first sight. Sabastian and Caitlyn planned on attending Channahon Fest after dinner and asked us if we would like to join. Neither of us planned on attending because Allison worked early the next morning, and I was starting a 48 hour shift. Neither of us wanted to part ways yet so we both agreed to go to the fest. Both of us ended up staying out way later than we had planned, but it was worth it. About a month later we were officially dating and began our journey to forever.