
Sammi & Kevin



Kevin Koelbel


Sammi Desch

September 30, 2023

Larkspur, CO


Just like any good "when we first met" story, it all begins when we were both at an underground fashion show and Kevin ended up breakdance fighting. Kevin was putting together some really good moves that caught Sammi's eye. She just had to know who this guy was that was this good of a breakdance fighter. After Kevin won the fight, Sammi came over to introduce herself as she was enamored with his rugged good looks and killer breakdance moves. Kevin was taken back as he was surprised that this really really ridiculously good looking girl was interested in him. We got to talking and Sammi first thought that Kevin was a player and that he had to have many girls after him (which was not even close to being true), so she pushed him off for a year. We finally met back up as fate brought us back together. From there, the rest is history.


JULY 26, 2022

Earlier in the summer we had decided to take a camping trip up to Jackson Hole to see one of Sammi's favorite country singers, Ian Munsick, perform at the county fair. Sammi had been dying to see him for quite a while and it was a good excuse to take a road trip and do some camping as well (I have been able to turn her into a bit of a tent camper!). We made the 7-hour drive from Fort Collins to Jackson Hole with dogs in hand and set up camp. I was nervous as I knew that I would propose during the week but wasn't sure when it would happen. That first night, we decided to venture out from the campsite after dinner to see what was around the area. We had come across a mountain pass between Wyoming and Idaho that had great views of the Jackson Hole valley. We decided to stop at the top to watch the sunset. I knew this would be a great opportunity to pop the question. We got to the top of the pass, and I went out to scope out a good spot before sunset. I found a spot but had to get Sammi to the spot without making it seem too suspicious that something was happening, which was hard to do as I'm not much of hiking around a mountain pass. After her questioning what I was doing, I was able to convince her to follow me to the spot. We stood looking at the sunset over the valley and I took one step back and got on one knee. Sammi started to tear up and asked if this was for real. Realizing it was for real she excitingly said yes! We got to spend the rest of that week vising Teton National Park, Yellowstone National Park, and of course to go see her favorite country artist in concert! *Little did I know, Sammi's parents got engaged in Jackson Hole as well!

For all the days along the way
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