
Alaina & Troy


We're getting Married!


Alaina Sarrica


Troy LeFevre

May 23, 2025

Oregon, OH
70 days70 d7 hours7 h2 minutes2 min21 seconds21 s

Today was a fairytale.

The Story of Us

Troy and Alaina first crossed paths while participating in extra curricular's at college. Their initial encounter took place at the campus library, where they met to study. As they spent more time together, their bond deepened. They enjoyed bonfires with friends and engaging in lengthy conversations that never lost their spark. On a rainy day in May, Troy asked Alaina to be his girlfriend before leaving on a three-month trip the next day. Despite the distance, Alaina made the effort to visit him twice during his absence. Upon Troy's return in August, the couple became inseparable. Their relationship blossomed through a series of shared adventures, with activities such as traveling, visiting the zoo, and sampling new cuisines topping their list of favorite things to do together. They also have bonded over endless rounds of card games, board games, and video games. Their beloved Goldendoodle, Rosie, has played a central role in their lives, as they take her for long walks and shower her with affection. Time spent together is always cherished and never taken for granted.

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