We matched on Tinder first (August 2017) but Hanna wasn't very chatty. A few days later we matched on Bumble. Apparently since Hanna had to engage, it made more sense this time around. We talked for a few days before agreeing to meet at Pins on 4th st. Rashawn won every game we played from Jenga to pinball and we had a fun evening before getting lost in Columbus looking for a Subway that was open late. 100% Rashawn's fault but let's be honest, neither of us are good with directions. Although we got lost, we agreed to a 2nd date. We were in a relationship before either of us realized it. Hanna asked about Christmas gift ideas and that was probably when we realized it had gotten serious. Just a couple years later Rashawn faced a decision; move to Colorado with friends, or stay and be domestic. We moved in together in the summer of 2019 and the rest is history.