Taylor and Danielle have been besties since high school. Two so alike, yet so different, have a bond like no other sharing some of the best memories! Spending their Mondays off going on breakfast dates and golfing, they are always up to something. Partners in crime whether it be driving golf carts recklessly or going out in Boston and snacking on m&ms in hotel lobbies !
Best friends since freshman year of high school. It all started in their intro to psychics class where they were constantly being spoken to for talking to much… typical teen girls ! Traveling side kicks from Mexico to Myrtle Beach with so many more trips to come . Hide the tequila when these two are around !
Becoming fiends from Matt and Jesse, these two hit it off instantly . Lauren all ways brings the fun where ever she goes, livening up any room . Even though they are miles apart, their friendship continues to grow ! They are always looking forward to their next trip to visit !
Taylor’s youngest cousin who is more of a younger sister than a cousin . Taylor’s mini as she always said. Always trying to spend time with each other since they were kids, having sleepovers at their grandparents to dog play dates now .
These two have been friends since middle school with a little gap in between. On different paths in high school but brought back together when Amanda started dating Adam ( Matt’s best friend and our roommate at the time ). Double trouble is a good way to put it when it comes to them. From always being in the same house for years, to only living a few miles away they still find time for shenanigans.
Friends since Pop Warner football, Matt and Adam share close to twenty five years of friendship together. To this day, they laugh as if they were five years old again and behave as if their parents weren't watching. From growing up minutes away from each other and riding bikes every day, they went to spending their mid twenties with each other as roommates. Now, as they enter their thirties only a few days apart, they live minutes away from each other once again and look forward to years more of being best friends
Growing up, Matt and Jesse were playground enemies. A few years later, they found themselves in fourth grade detention together, and since then, they were best friends. Always together in school and on the field, Matt and Jesse were known for always being on the same team. Constantly being mistaken for being brothers, Matt and Jesse were inseparable. As they enter their adult lives living miles away from each other, they still remain inseparable.
Meeting each other on the first day of high school football, Matt and Kevin share over fifteen years of friendship together. If there was a definition of "if you need, me call me" it would be a picture of Matt and Kevin. Always looking for a new experience or to try something they never have before, Matt and Kevin share a great relationship as best friends.
Friends since little league, Matt and Sam share over twenty years of friendship together. From making life long memories throughout the years, Matt and Sam became college roommates. After college, Matt and Sam remained friends and teammates and continued their bond in recreational sports. For both Matt and Sam, the continued bond they share with each other and the rest of the group is something they both cherish.
Having traveled the most miles together than anyone else in the party, Matt and Erik became best friends in the military. Matt still brags about being the ping pong champion from their first deployment after playing for hours and hours on their days off. A bond like this is one not many people get to experience, but both are glad to say they have it.