There are 14 rooms at The Hermitage Inn available for guests. All rooms have been blocked off for our event, so you will not be able to book online. If you are interested in booking a room, please reach out to Luke or Taylor—we will connect you with the Inn to reserve your room.
House Or Rental
This is one of three Airbnb rentals that are on the same property as The Hermitage Inn. These rentals are a short walk along the back road from the Inn.
House Or Rental
This is one of three Airbnb rentals that are on the same property as The Hermitage Inn. These rentals are a short walk along the back road from the Inn.
House Or Rental
This is one of three Airbnb rentals that are on the same property as The Hermitage Inn. These rentals are a short walk along the back road from the Inn.
House Or Rental
This property is still within the Hermitage property but is closer to Haystack Mountain than the Inn . The Inn is accessible by foot along the backroad (5-10 minute walk).
House Or Rental
This property is still within the Hermitage property but is closer to Haystack Mountain than the Inn . The Inn is accessible by foot along the backroad (5-10 minute walk).
The closest airport is Albany International Airport, which is a ~1.5 hour drive to West Dover. There are limited direct flight paths, but ALB connects to many major airports. Boston Logan International Airport is a further drive (~3.5 hours), but has many more direct flight options and is recommended.
Rental Car
Please note that West Dover, Vermont requires a car for travel. A car will come in handy as there is plenty to see nearby during down time!