Not only is the course ranked one of the top 100 in the world, it was designed by Jack Nicklaus! Join Fran on the greens and count how many mulligans he takes (he's a lawyer, so watch carefully).
Ranked as one of the top 3 spas in Mexico, and top 5 in the world, you'll be guaranteed to relax and unwind at the spa. You'll most likely find Taylor there, getting one of their many wellness-oriented body treatments.
Take a boat taxi around the rugged El Arco rock formation at the tip of the Baja Peninsula.
Cabo is the Marlin Capital of the world! Join Francis on a deep-sea sport fishing adventure (Taylor will be at the spa).
Pueblo Bonito Pacifica offers a number of different boat cruises - from sunset dinner to snorkeling & scuba diving (Taylor will still be at the spa).