While Bogota is generally safe, it pays to keep a few things in mind when staying here. Basically, it's all about traveling smart. Colombia isn't the violent scourge of latin america that many perceive it to be, but it still pays to watch your bags.
In the off chance that you run into any trouble while galavanting through Bogota, here are some numbers to call for assistance. National Emergency Number: 123 Tourist Police: (1) 3374413 Information: 113 U.S. Embassy in Colombia: (+57) (1) 275-2000
During the average day in the city the temperature usually ranges from 46°F to 68°F
There are several options for exchanging money, including currency exchanges, banks, and ATMs. The most secure way to exchange money is at the airport. Be aware of your surrounding and take cash out during the day! As well as always have cash on you as some places don't accept card. That being said, most every place accepts card.
- Bandeja Paisa - Sancocho - Pan de yuca - Pan de bono - Bunuelos - Hojaldres - Patacones con hogao - Colombian Arepas
Uber is just as safe as it is in the states, you can use it with ease to get around the city. Unfortunately, there is no Lyft in Colombia. Renting cars is not a smart option as driving here is much different than in states and finding parking is quite difficult. Or Taxi ordered ONLY by the hotel lobby reception. DO NOT take a taxi from the street.
Laboratoria Laura Bejarano is a nearby lab that offers at home tests, they would be available to test you at the hotel. You may also contact hotel concierge for assistance in coordinating this.