
Michael & Julia


Welcome to our wedding site!


Michael Tarpey


Julia Rooney

December 6, 2024

Seaford, NY
88 days88 d23 hours23 h40 minutes40 min8 seconds8 s

Our Story

We met at Adelphi University in 2017. Julia was in a sorority and Mike played baseball, so our paths didn’t cross too often. Once we got reacquainted in 2019 after Mike graduated, we discovered we had a lot in common. Even though Mike graduated already that did not stop us from hanging out. Some days Julia would travel all the way over the Throgs Neck Bridge, struggling to parallel park in the Bronx. On other days Mike would have to relive his college days hanging out in New B. On April of 2019, Julia invited her “good friend” Mike to her family’s Easter dinner and on that day he made it official. Within the years of our relationship, we have spent lots of time hanging out with our friends and family, going to Chilis (our favorite restaurant), and making memories that will last a lifetime.

M | J

Thank you to our amazing parents. We love you all so much. This day would not be possible without you guys.

For all the days along the way
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