Brainerd is the closest airport to the area.
MSP has many flight options and is a 2 1/2 hour drive north to Crosby.
Many, Many options here from cabins to lakeside condos and villas.
Perfect for a family vacation!
Perfect for a family vacation!
We checked this place out and it's a no-frills but very adequate and clean place...perfect for people on a budget (and is relatively close to The Bridge Tavern)!!! Also, across from the American Legion. What more could you want?!?!?
Travel Note
There's pricier and nicer places available in Crosslake, MN. Just google!
This is a fabulous option for those of you that are making this into a mini-vacation. Located right on Bay Lake, there's fishing, boating, golfing, swimming, shops, bar and restaurant. It's 14 miles from our venue but so much to do. Also, there are several accommodation options, i.e. the lodge, cabins, condos or townhouses. Check out their website.
September 14, 2019 2:00 pm - 11:00 pm
We currently have 3 shuttles going between the lodge and The Bridge on Saturday, leaving at 2, 2:45 & 3:30, returning at 9:30, 10:30 & 11:30 for those of you that have on your dancing shoes. The times and number of shuttles are subject to change, depending on the RSVP's we receive. We'll probably have a sign up sheet at Ruttger's because each run will hold 13 people. Check back for more details.