Tanner and Maddie met in Clearwater Beach, Florida in May of 2017. They both went down to Clearwater on a mission trip with a campus ministry. While Topsail Tanner worked as a Pirate on a Daily Cruise Ship and Maddie worked at a Mini Theme Park, they were able to reach out to the local community. They proceeded to spend the next 3 months getting to know each other through community events, leading prayer nights, and all of the group adventures. After the summer, Tanner returned to NC State and Maddie returned to Meredith College. They were able to stay close through the years that followed. They were always in the same circles, bible studies, and church community. In the Fall of 2020, Tanner went overseas as a missionary. He returned in the Summer of 2021 and they reconnected. Tanner rejoined the Summit Church community and they were once again in the same bible study. After a few weeks of spending time together, he asked Maddie out. The following 15 months were filled with dinner dates, hiking, meeting each other's friends through weddings and trips, and bonding with family. It did not take long for us to realize how similar we are in our interests, personalities, and love for God. It only made sense that in November of 2022, Tanner would propose at the same location as their first date, Dorothea Dix Park. Tanner and Maddie are thrilled to see the adventures and opportunities that God has in store for them, as husband and wife. Thank you so much for being a part of their lives so far!