Unless you have persistent friends who try to set you up all summer, until you finally agree to go to the shore house...and on the way down, not even 20 minutes into the car ride, your best friend turns to you and says, “OK SOO, there’s this guy...his name is Paul...and you’ll definitely like him!” But you insist you're there just for a fun weekend, until you're caught off guard and think you're on the porch alone after a long day at the beach. BUT, you meet this guy on his doorstep....his name is Paul....and you definitely liked him.... Paulie had gone home and asked his mom why she always told him that "a girl wasn't going to just show up on his door step...", letting her know that was clearly not true since it had happened that weekend. The rest is history. So, I guess it is sometimes alright to find love at the jersey shore...I mean, who else could say they had their soulmate literally show up at their front door? 08.09.14 The first day 01.07.23 The yes day 12.02.23 The best day