The two of us love the idea of you all knowing what's-what prior to getting here. Tacos will be served. Gluten free and vegetarian options available. Should you require any other dietary restrictions please inform Sydney or Kam.
We will have an open bar. Check back closer to date and a list of options will be included.
We kindly request semi-formal attire. Reception will be on the lawn; chose your footwear accordingly! The pool will open in the late evening. Bring a swimsuit and a towel should you wish to swim into the afterparty. NO JEANS please
Well, no. We specifically choose to have our reception at home, so there is no stipulation on time. We are both excited to see you all and celebrate with everyone. AFTER PARTY will be at the same location 10pm to midnight-ish The bar will be self-serve. The pool will be open. See below...
YES! The pool will be opened at ~10pm WE KINDLY ASK NO INTOXICATED PERSON BE IN THE POOL. There will be a certified Lifeguard/EMT present and monitoring. Should you not be fit to swim you will be asked to get out of the pool. We are looking for a good time, not an emergency during this time.