You can make reservations the following ways: Click on the following link This takes you directly to our website. Please enter the dates you wish to stay. Under where you enter the dates, click on “ADD SPECIAL RATE CODES” To receive your special rate, please reference the GROUP code: BJW You may also call the hotel direct at 386-279-7808 Reservations must be made by 5/28/18 to receive the discounted rate - Please let me know if there is anything you need!
Discount Code - BJW
Group Name: Butts-Johnsen Wedding Arrival Date: 28-Jun-2018 Departure Date: 05-Jul-2018 Please click View to book with discount. Reservations must be made by 6/5/18 to receive the discounted rate
Rental Car
Here are a bunch of companies you can use to rent a car from the Airport.
This airport is closer to the venue.